Scope of Services for Support

Scope of Services for Support

Scope of Services:


The scope involves providing a team of resources in the US and India to provide L2 and L3 support to the SBOM Global application. The high-level definition of L2 and L3 are as follows:


       Configuration Issues

       Network Issues

       Application Monitoring

       Database Issues

       Functional failures

       On Demand


       Hot Fixes

       Minor Enhancements (<40 hours)

       Data Issues

       Operational Enhancements


       Deployment / Release coordination

       The team of support resources will also work on the following day to day activities as assigned by Komatsu:

       Parts Book Publishing

       Publishing of the GPAS bundles provided by Komatsu LTD.

       Bundle Data analysis

       CXML routing table update


Support Services will be provided as per SLA below.

Issue/Incident Reporting and Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Komatsu Ltd. will be responsible for providing 1st level support and to answer general user questions about the software, or support for accessing the Software, Password & User ID related requests etc.  Softura will provide 2nd level technical support to Komatsu employees/ application users to address software incidents/ issues. Softura supports four levels of severity for service incidents with associated SLAs as follows: 

Critical Severity indicates that the Software is completely interrupted and no possible workaround exists, and there is a significant impact on the operation of Komatsu’s business or its capability to generate revenue. This would require a response time of less than 8 business hours more than 98% of the time. 

High Severity indicates that Komatsu’s Software is completely interrupted, and no possible workaround exists. This would indicate a response time of less than 24 business hours 98% percent of the time. 

Medium Severity indicates that Komatsu’s Software is usable but operation is restricted, or a possible workaround exists. Although the users are still able to use the software, one or more service components are not functioning. Connectivity or services may be unstable or may show high error rates. This would indicate a response time of less than 5 business days 98% percent of the time. Low Severity indicates that the problem is cosmetic.

Low severity issues will be documented and updated in the next release or taken up in the order they get reported after any open Critical, High & Medium severity issues are addressed. 

Softura and Komatsu Ltd. will jointly define and agree on the communication plan, release plan and processes for the project after kicking off the project.

Response Time Definition 

Response time is defined as the total amount of time it takes a Support Service Center to respond to an incident, calculated from the time the incident report arrives, until both of the following criteria are met:   

1)      The appropriate support resource/representative begins to address the incident ; and  

2)      An attempt is made to provide a status update if the incident was not resolved on initial contact. 

Management Oversight/Issue Escalation  

Milestones based on the incident’s estimated time of completion will be communicated to Komatsu Ltd. and Komatsu Ltd. can escalate any out-of bound conditions as each service incident progresses through the workflow process. Progressive levels of management could be notified, as each milestone is not resolved. Escalation hierarchy within Softura will be established with Komatsu Ltd. at the time of Project Kick Off.

Softura will setup a ticketing/incident tracking system that is accessible over the Internet for the purpose of reporting incidents and will provide Komatsu users with access to the same in order to report Incidents and support/maintenance requests. 

Softura will also provide contact information with phone numbers and email addresses for all team members so that team members can also be reached directly if required. 

In all cases Komatsu Ltd. will submit the support incidents, issues and enhancement requests via the Softura ticketing system site for the purpose of tracking and reporting. Email and Phone will be used mainly for quick status updates, escalation and follow up only.

        Management Reports

Softura will provide performance reports as below:

Incident Reporting

Ø  Weekly/Monthly incident report/dashboards

§  #of incidents by severity

§  Avg resolution time by severity

§  SLA breach and reasons

§  Corrective/preventive actions

§  Status updates on Minor Enhancements


Resource utilization Reporting

Ø  Bi-weekly resource timesheets with tasks


Softura shall in advance report to Komatsu if Softura reasonably consider that the activities carrying out for Komatsu would exceed the Estimated Hours set forth in Section 5 due to irregular work or any request by Komatsu.  In such case, the Parties shall discuss how to proceed the relevant activities.

Softura and Komatsu shall regularly hold a meeting to update the progress of the performance of the Project. The frequency of such meeting shall be separately agreed by the Parties.

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